Health Benefits of Oregano Moringa Powder:

Oregano Moringa Powder contains an immense wealth of healthy components and phytonutrients. Due to its extraordinary and unmatched range of medicinal benefits, it was named the “miracle tree” during the food crisis in Africa. In the Philippines, it is revered as mother’s best friend because of its galactagogic properties. The benefits of Oregano Moringa Powder for medical conditions include the following:

Antioxidants: Moringa plant offers a rich blend of powerful antioxidants such as kaempferol, caffeoylquinic acid, zeatin, quercetin, rutin, chlorogenic acid, and beta-sitosterol. These powerful antioxidants found in Moringa possess high free radical scavenging capacity and have shown its therapeutic value in curing the damage caused by oxidative stress.

Moringa leaves are a great alternative to meat, because of the high protein content, especially for vegetarians. It contains the amino acids aregenine and histidine which are essential for infants and it is also a boon to combat malnutrition in all regions of the world.

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